This is a Disney Communication to Clients about Disney Park Pass System. As we’ve shared, we continue to keep the health and wellbeing of our Cast and Guests top of mind. When our Walt Disney World® Theme Parks reopen, we will manage attendance through our new Disney Park Pass System. This new Theme Park reservation system will require all Guests to make advance reservations for Theme Park entry.
Your Clients may be receiving email communication from us regarding the Disney Park Pass system if they’re an existing Walt Disney World Theme Park ticket holder.
Since we cannot reach all of your Clients, we request that you contact them regarding the most recent updates. As a reminder, you and your Clients can find the most updated information on the dedicated Know Before You Go section of the Disney Travel Agents website, Disney Site Builder and the microsite at You can send this link to your Clients, and you can post it on your agency’s website.
Check our Website